[Review] Avon lipstick in M02 and U410

[Review] Avon lipstick in M02 and U410

Hello, how are you?
I'm back with another lip product review , which I will review this time is the lipstick from Avon. I get this lipstick some time ago from Jessica. When I was a teenager, Avo…
[Review] Mizon - Grape Fruit Peeling Gel

[Review] Mizon - Grape Fruit Peeling Gel

Hello, this time I will review my first peeling gel.
Mizon refresh peeling gel have 3 variants:
1. Green tea
2. Grapefruit
3. Cherry blossom
[Review] Sari Ayu Putih Langsat Series

[Review] Sari Ayu Putih Langsat Series

Hallloo... Apa kabar? Semoga semua baik-baik saja ya  Beberapa waktu yang lalu aku mendapat kiriman dari Sari Ayu untuk aku review, seneng deh bisa mendapat hampers dari salah satu brand kebanggaan Ind…
[Event Report] Beau-Tea Talk with Citra Lasting White and Cita Cinta Magazine

[Event Report] Beau-Tea Talk with Citra Lasting White and Cita Cinta Magazine

Tanggal 19 Juli 2014 kemarin aku berkesempatan menghadiri acara yang diadakan oleh Citra dan Cita Cinta Magazine.

Di leafet dan telepon sih bilangnya acara dimulai jam 15.00-19.00 tapi pas aku datan…