[Review] Doctorcos - Amino Acid Hybrid sheet Free Mask Advanced

At my age now, I am more focused on the health of my skin instead of using makeup. Because my time to use makeup on the wane, the more consumed my time is my baby who started growing up.
Doctorcos Amino Acid Hybrid Sheet Free Mask Advanced 
Doctorcos sheet free aqual gloss mask is water based mask unlikely other oil based masks, the sheet free mask is far better than other in terms of lasting long, applicability and fresh feeling. Triple moisture veil protective barrier system applied and you will get full benefits of this latest technology with all those excellent ingredients.

The sheet free mask promises your skin of endless moisturizing and providing enriched nutrients for such a long time so that you would benefited as putting your skin into enriched nutrient moisture and getting all those  excellent essence deeper into your layer of skin.  The mask also improves wrinkles by providing enormous amount of moisture and nutrition.
Double effects:
Applying with BB cream, Foundation, UV protection cream or any other skin care items, your makeup will be improved for better and protect your skin from being dehydrated.

Ultimate whitening by controlling Melanocyte not to produce melanin pigments.  Also excellent spot care mask.

Ultra convenience:  
No need to wear sticky paper mask sheet or Gel type mask sheet. Once apply the sheet Free mask, leave in on your face for about 15 minutes, then your skin will absorb the entire mask and also the mask will be melted right onto the skin and that goes deep into skin.
How to use:
1. Cleansing & washing face
2. Apply sufficient amount over the face and neck 1~3 mm thick. Approximately 15~20 minutes as it will absorb (In this case, never do not RUB)
3. After absorbing about 15 minutes to absorb the remaining moisture and nutrients to the skin moisture up to 24 hours.
7in1 (All-in-one mask)
1. Moisture cream
2. Mask sheet
3. Sleeping pack
4. Whitening cream
5. Pore cream
6. Filler effect
7. Nutrition cream
How to use day time: 
After a face wash up, take some cream as moisture cream.  You can mix with BB cream or foundation for better stick and bright skin. 
Can be used as: 
a. Day Cream
Massage onto the face and neck with warm hands to enhance penetration of the ingredients

b. Makeup primer
Before applying makeup, spread a thin layer onto face to allow makeup to adhere to skin better.

c. Mix with BB cream/foundation
Blend mask with 4 parts BB cream or 2.5 parts liquid foundation to avoid the "cakey" look and keep the foundation looking fresh all day

How to use night time: 
After a face wash up, imagine and apply cream just as you are covering your face with 1mm of layer at the last step of skin care.
Can be used as: 
a. Night Cream
Massage onto the face and neck with warm hands to enhance penetration of the ingredients

b. Sleeping Mask
Apply a layer 2-3mm thick onto your face massage gently for 10 to 15 minutes then allow the skin to absorb nutrients during the night

Main ingredients:
1. Amino acids.
Easily absorbed through the dermal layers, accelerate cell metabolism, enhancing skin's ability to retain moisture.
2. Hyaluronic Acid.
a renowned moisturizing ingredient that efficiently moisturises skin for over 24 hours.
3. Epidermal growth factor EGF.
Promotes repair of epidermal tissues, locking in moisture and promoting skin cell regeneration.
4. Water-soluble vitamins B3.
Minimise free radical damage and whiten skin by inhibiting formation of melanin.
5. Royal jelly.
a rich blend of proteins that nourish skin and reverse signs of aging like wrinkles and dark spots.
C Moisturizing your skin for 100 hours, because this mask can be use 7in1.
C Can be use to cooling down your skin.
C Tightening skin pores (a bit). 
C Improving whitening (a bit).
C Can nourishing skin even soothing my sensitive skin.
C Recommended to you who have oily skins, dry skin, and large pores.

Bisa kalian lihat kan perubahan yang aku alami setelah menggunakan produk ini selama 1,5 minggu? Kulitku jadi sedikit lebih cerah, kusam hilang, flek hitam memudar, kulit terasa lebih kenyal dan sehat. Aku menggunakan produk ini sebagai campuran BB Cream untuk makeup sehari-hari (karena tidak mengandung SPF, maka saya memilih BB Cream yang ada SPFnya sebagai pelengkap) dan sleeping mask.

Untuk kalian yang tinggal di Indonesia, kalian bisa mendapatkan produk ini di Beauty Korea DISINI dengan harga IDR 235.000- saja, dan bukan itu saja, kalau kalian membeli  Doctorcos - Amino Acid Hybrid sheet Free Mask Advanced ini, kalian otomatis akan mendapatkan FREE Nature Republic Aloe Vera 92% Soothing Gel senilai IDR 76.000-.

FYI, produk ini di jual di Korea dengan harga 30.000 won atau setara dengan IDR 348.000- loh (klik SINI) dan kalian tidak akan mendapatkan free apapun. Jadi kalau kalian beli di Beauty Korea, kalian sudah menghemat IDR 189.000- loh.

Bye bye now J
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  1. kemarin baru liat produk ini di IG nya Minzy 2NE1, eh ada review nya selesai baca jadi makin penasaran. >,<

    1. iya, ini produk beneran deh bagus banget, bukan karena sponsoran tp emang hasilnya TOP :) ayo beli, mumpung diskon, dpt free Nature Republic aloe vera pula ^_~

  2. Whoaaa, makasih reviewnya . dari waktu kapan udah pengen nyoba produk ini. btw, beli di tempat yg direkomendasiin mbak itu asli kan? kok bisa murah yaa .

    1. Asli donk, krn mereka ambil langsung dari Korea dalam jumlah yang banyak dan sekaligus promosi, kan di Indonesia masih jarang yang jual produk ini :)

  3. Kalo uda pake ini, yg aloe vera nya gimana ya? Masi bagusan doctorcos?

    1. mksdnya gmn ya? yg aku mksd diatas kl beli doktor cos dapat aloe vera gratis. Nah kl masalah penggunaan, jelas berbeda, kl aloe vera fungsinya ga sama dengan doktor cos, dan secara hargapun berbeda jadi ga bisa dibandingin :)


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