Reasons To Wear Fake Hair And How To Take Care Of It

The use of wigs is an option to increase confidence. Besides aimed at aesthetic interests, medical reasons can also be one cause. There are many you can try hair care choices of wigs that can be used to increase one's confidence. Factors that can be considered also varied, ranging from the colour factor, shape, to style. 
Reasons To Wear Fake Hair And How To Take Care Of It 

Full lace wigs from Divatress

Let me introduce you to is a leading beauty e-commerce company offering thousands of products of wigs and hair. They have so many ranks so  professional hairdressers, beauticians, working mothers, students, etc choose

Reasons To Wear Fake Hair And How To Take Care Of It 

Based on the basic material, the object commonly referred to as the wig is divided into:

 Based on human hair
Usually, wigs made from genuine human hair is more expensive. In addition to expensive, this wig has a longer time in the arrangement when it will be used. The advantages of these wigs are more noticeable and look natural. Another positive point of this type of wigs based human hair is that it can be more durable and is suitable for those with permanent hair problems.

Synthetic based
More manageable when used. Visit Hair Care at is the main advantage of synthetic wigs. In addition to easy, many options for this type of wig, ranging from cheap to expensive. This type is the right property to deal with temporary hair problems.

Reasons To Wear Fake Hair And How To Take Care Of It

Why Someone Need Fake Hair?
Some people wear wigs because they are based on needs that can not be denied. Some problems that can make a person cannot refuse to use them include:
The problem of baldness
When a person experiences severe baldness, then wearing a wig may be the right solution. For mens, 95% of them are related to heredity. This usually spend time for hair care happens to those who are aged 50 years and over. There is also a condition of hair loss called alopecia areata. This condition can make men and women with special characteristics loss a lot of hair on the head, can also lose hair in other body parts. Temporary allegations mention that autoimmune disorders as a cause of hair loss. Both for men and women, wigs give different choices with different styles. This can certainly make a person appear more confident and expressive. One thing that is important as a reminder when about to use a wig does not believe in the myth that says wearing wigs will make more hair fall out.
When a person undergoes cancer treatment aka chemotherapy, he can lose hair for a while. go to to buy some products for your hair care. Chemotherapy drugs intended to kill cancer cells but unfortunately can attack healthy cells including hair roots. One solution is to wear wigs. Another option is to wear a head covering. The scalp is likely to be more sensitive when undergoing chemotherapy, so if left uncovered, it can be easily irritated by the sun or cold temperatures.

Sometimes we want different hair styles every day, short hair for today and long hair for tomorrow, but our hair only grows 0.33 mm every day. The right solution is to use a wig, we can have beautiful short or long hair in a short time. 

Reasons To Wear Fake Hair And How To Take Care Of It

Treat Fake Hair In The Following Way
Wigs need special care for durable and comfortable to wear. Treatment steps that can be used as guidelines, among others is:
- To reduce tangles, use a scalp annum on the wig
- Comb wigs carefully
- Wash your wig only with warm water
- Dip the whole wig into the warm water
- Add the shampoo and gently rub on the wig and leave for 5 minutes
- Rinse shampoo from foam until clean
- Add conditioner to wigs and wipe gently
- Follow the steps until wigs are completely clean
- Hang a wig in the bedroom or bathroom with a clothes hanger
- Allow for 24 hours to dry
In order for the selection of wigs increasingly beautify or the wearer, consultation with hair stylist does not hurt. Their advice is certainly very useful to find the right pieces and wig styles according to the face and character of the wearer. Do you like to use wigs? Which one? Can you tell me in the comment section?

Bye bye now 😊
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  1. Wah, baru tau ternyata wig dibuat dari human hair dan sintetik #kbbvmember

  2. Walaupun aku kayaknya nggak bakal pake wig. Hehe. Tapi ini kelihatan natural ya. 😍

    1. iya karena ini terbuat dari rambut manusia asli :) makanya agak pricey dibanding yang dari plastik :)

  3. Wah ternyata fake hair ribet juga ya perawatannya. Nice article Ce Winda. Makasih tipsnya, semoga bermanfaat buat temen-temen yang punya fake hair.

    1. iya kalau dari rambut asli manusia memang agak ribet, kalau dari bahan plastik ya lebih gampang, tapi biasanya terlihat fake kalau bukan dari rambut beneran :)

  4. baru kali ini tau info fake hair, thanks for sharing ci #kbbvmember

  5. Aku kalo liat wig pasti langsung keinget nikkietutorials, jeffrestar sama patrickstarrr deh :D Mereka wig nya suka lucu lucuu

  6. aku juga kadang-kadang pake hairclip kalo lagi ke ondangan. haha.. suka karena bikin rambut lebih bervolume..


    1. nah kalau hair clip aku blom pernah coba, enak mana sama wig beb?

  7. Aku juga kadang pengen sih beb pake wig, kadang kangen sama rambut panjang karna beberapa taun kebelakang rambut aku selalu pendek 😂 #kbbvmember

    1. tapi kamu cocok rambut bob beb, keliatan awet muda, kayak masih ABG :)

  8. Bagus bgt ini post nya ngebantu bgt buat si pemakai wig #kbbvmember

    1. Waaaa, senang sekali kalau bisa berguna hehehee makasih ya udah mampir ☺️

  9. Dulu waktu aku kecil sebelum pake hijab mamaku suka pakai wig dan emang ribet ngerawatnya #kbbvmember

    1. Kalau yang dari sintetis ga seribet yang human hair kok ☺️ Berarti mamanya pake yang human hair 🙂

  10. Ternyata wig yg dari human hair beneran ada yaaa #kbbvmember

  11. aku tertarik bgt pengen coba wig yang warna warni gitu, baca ini jadi mencerahkan segala pertanyaan soal wig hihi #kbbvmember

    1. Hati-hati salah memilih onlen shop ya, nanti yang datang keliatan palsu banget hehehee

  12. They say wearing wig can make bald

    1. Hah? Kata siapa? Justru yang rambutnya rontok parah kebantu banget sama wig 😬


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